Vintage Videos
Instructional Videos
First Generation:
Shorty George 
Leroy Stretch Jones
Twistmouth George
The Golden Age:
Whitey's Lindy Hprs.
Tiny Bunch
Congaroo Dancers
Sandra Gibson
George Grenidge
Leon James
Ann Johnson
Dorothy  Johnson
Norma Miller
Al Minns
Frankie Manning


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Leon James

Billy Ricker
Willa Mae Ricker
Russell Williams 

 After Seben
The Big Apple
Call Of The Jitterbug

Leon James, one of Whitey's Lindy Hoppers, had one of the greatest on-stage personalities in Lindy Hopping. With his constantly moving legs and hands and his flashing eyes, everyone would always notice him first. His styling was a favorite of the ladies at the Savoy, who still like to remember the way he moved his hips. He and partner Willa Mae Ricker were featured in the 1943 Life Magazine spread on Lindy Hop, along with the white Broadway dancers, Stanley Catron and Kaye Pop whose picture appears on the cover. The photographs of individual dance steps by Gjon Mili are sensational. 
Can't Top the LHop
Cootie Williams
Day At The Races 
Chicago &
All That Jazz 
Frankie Manning
 Instructional Videos 
Hot Chocolates 
Jammin'the Blues 
Jittering Jitterbugs
Killer Diller 
Malcolm X 
 Because of poor eyesight, Leon was one of the few of the original Lindy Hoppers who was not drafted into the service in World War II. He remained active as a dancer and stage personality until his death in the 1970's. He and fellow Lindy Hopper  Al Minns developed a novelty act in which they danced together and charmed audiences with their playfulness and ingenuity. Together they served as informants to Marshall Stearns and his wife Jean when they were writing the classic book, Jazz Dance. It seems that the playful pair had a lot of fun at the expense of the Stearnses and of posterity.  Their purely imaginary ideas of gangs at the Savoy and other uptown drama are regarded as fact by many who have read the book. To their defense, none of the Lindy Hoppers, including Norma Miller and Frankie Manning, had any sense that they were making history. To Leon and Al, a good time at the moment seemed to be what mattered most. They appeared together in a 1961 DuPont TV spectacular that has become a classic jazz  documentary called America's Music: Chicago and All that Jazz. 
It can be ordered thru SavoyStyle
Written by Judy Pritchett with Frank Manning. Copyright, 1995, 1996, 1997.May not be reproduced without written permission. <>.This Biography is also part of the World Lindy Hop Federation Archives maintained by Keith Hughes.